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The Graythorn Group provides management consulting services. We collaborate with you and your team to arrive at innovative solutions, provide training and project management services, and can present an insightful analysis of your organization.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Walt: The Man Behind the Myth

While we were at Walt Disney World a couple of weeks ago my husband decided to indulge my love of Walt by sneaking a copy of this documentary into our gift purchases. Now Walt and I go way back, at least in my mind, but this film gave me fresh information and perspectives.

One of the reasons that Walt is so fascinating to me is because of the scope of his dreams. And the fact that he was able to achieve so much, and inspire so much more. Granted, I think that in many ways Walt would be sad with what The Walt Disney Company has become. It is such a business. And EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) certainly didn't come out the way he had dreamed. And yet... every day thousands of people ask themselves "What would Walt do?" That is an amazing amount of impact.

If you are also a fan of Walt Disney, whether it is because of his business acumen, animation and filmmaking innovation, or the legacy of his dreams, then this documentary is a must-see.
